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Arjan Olsder

Bluboo introduceert goedkoopste Android met vingerafdrukscanner

Het Chinese Bluboo heeft ‘s werelds goedkoopste Android smartphone met vingerafdrukscanner op de markt gezet. Een vingerafdruksensor die gelijk lijkt te zijn aan wat Huawei / Honor in haar smartphones zet.

De Bluboo Xfire 2 heeft een verwachtte verkoopprijs van $59,99. Daarvoor krijg je toch nog een metalen body met daarin een 5 inch 720p HD display en een quad-core 1,3GHz 32-bit MediaTek MT6580 chipset met 1GB werkgeheugen. Je krijgt 8 megapixels achter en nog eens 5 megapixels voor. Beide camera’s zijn bovendien voorzien van een LED flitser. Je krijgt 8GB aan opslagruimte. Bovendien heeft de Bluboo Xfire 2 hetzelfde schermontwerp als de OnePlus 2 waardoor het risico op schermbreuken lager zou zijn.

Eén reactie

  1. Mijn review/bevindingen met de Bluboo Xfire2 heb ik op 4 februari 2016 op GSMArena gepost:

    I got the phone last thursday out of China.
    A week later than stated in the confirmation email when I ordered it in…. Spain.

    It’s a great phone at this price level and performes very well, battery included.

    I rooted the phone, put two simcards and a microsd card in, deleted several pre-installed apps with Titanium Backup and installed quite some extra and root apps on the phone together with Nova Prime launcher (runs very smooth) and multi picture live wallpaper.

    Have a look here for the installed apps:
    A couple of apps are not listed because they’re not available from the PlayStore

    The phone still runs smooth, even with the multi picture live wallpaper and all apps 😉
    I can highly recommand the ‘A Better Camera’ app for taking pictures.
    It does a far better job than the pre installed photo app.

    I couldn’t get a good and fast fix with the GPS for the Runkeeper app.
    Not even after installing GPS-fix and a couple of other apps I tried.
    Clearing the A-gps data and renew them with the A-GPSs Plus app didn’t help either 🙁
    Therefore I installed the Mobileuncle Tools app (not in the PlayStore)
    to change some settings in the phone and installed MT GPS EPO Fix app from the PlayStore.
    Now I get a fix within 15 ~ 20 seconds after I start Runkeeper or Google Maps 🙂

    I did find one more minor point though:
    Unfortunately the Light Flow app can’t show all my favorite notification led colors (like on my S6 Edge) because the default led on the Xfire2 only supports red and blue.

    To everyone who thinks about buying the BluBoo Xfire2 I’d say go for it. And root it 😉
    At this price level you get a whole lot of phone and options for your money!
    As long as you don’t need 4G LTE and don’t want to spend a lot of money on a high end phone I think this is the best buy at the moment.

    Now that the phone is rooted and has more options than the standard out-of-the-box phone I’ll give it a 8.5 out of 10 in this category.

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